On her movie roles: I’m on a very commercial show, so the last thing I want to do is a commercial movie." I wanna take risks, I don’t wanna play it safe. I mean, I could probably make more money if I did more commercial projects. It would be nice to buy an apartment but I’m 22 and I don’t need to yet.”
On her style: “I’ve always loved fashion, That’s why I don’t use a stylist. Number one, it’s such an expression of self.”
On Anna Wintour: “I was speaking with Anna Wintour, and we were just talking about different fashion houses and I said, ‘I love Chanel’, and she said, ‘You should come with me to the show’. I also said I loved Dior. She said ‘OK, well I’ll take you to the Chanel and Dior shows and we’ll meet with Karl and John afterwards’. Insane!”