Separate bathrooms: David and Victoria have revealed about their secret grooming habits... and their love of freebies
He epitomised the 'metrosexual male' of the Noughties, and she is regarded as one of the most high-maintenance celebrities.
So is it any surprise that David and Victoria Beckham require separate bathrooms?
The couple have revealed their secret bathroom habits in a new interview, including what annoying traits they have.
'She always leaves her drawers open,' David says of his 36-year-old wife, adding that she 'leaves the toothpaste top off too.
'It’s kind of her mess, though. It’s her bathroom. It’s not down to me.
'He means like cupboard drawers, not as in knickers!' Victoria explains. 'I’m very messy. Clean, but very messy.
'We’re lucky enough to have separate bathrooms. David’s is all dark wood, very masculine.
'Mine is very modern, black and white. David’s products are all hidden away, whereas mine are quite on show.'
'David’s pretty tidy. He doesn’t really have any annoying bathroom habits,' the designer says in the new issue of InStyle magazine.
And Victoria has revealed how the thrill of receiving free gifts hasn't worn off after all these years.

Bathroom buddies: David's typical grooming habits probably don't include James Corden
'We’re in a great position in that every now and then, we get big boxes of products sent to us, which we’re very lucky to have,' she says.
Asked if it still excites her, she replies: 'Oh my goodness, yeah. We get sent lots of products and clothes.
'I’m never going to become blasé about that. I really appreciate that someone has gone to the effort to send me things.
And while it is widely believed that Victoria tends to eat very little and not work out, since moving to Los Angeles she has embraced fitness.

Pale and interesting: Victoria says she has 'embraced whiteness' (left, last month in New York) since kicking her fake tan habit (pictured right in 2006)
'Victoria’s obsessed with working out,' David says. 'She’s in the gym every morning. You run, what, five miles?'
Victoria replies: 'Four, five miles every day on the treadmill. For me, I like the fact that, mentally, I can get off whenever I want.'
David adds: 'I hate running and not getting anywhere. I like to be outside. I like to run on the roads late at night. When I’ve got a day off, I’ll go to the gym with Victoria. There’s this amazing gym in Santa Monica we go to.'
And it's not just Victoria's fitness levels that the Los Angeles lifestyle has changed.
The couple, who have three children - Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - say they have discovered the 'hippie' powers of crystals.

Turning hippie: The couple, pictured with their children in September, reveal they have started using crystals since moving to LA
'We both like crystals, as in crystal energy; I have lots of pink quartz and black tourmaline in my bathroom,' says Victoria. 'It’s quite spiritual out here; all very positive.'
David adds: 'We’ve been into that since moving to LA.'
But despite living in California, Mrs Beckham says she no longer sports a tan.
'I’ve embraced whiteness,' she admits, to laughter from her husband. 'No, I don’t use any tanning products.
'Sometimes in photographs I look orange, which is really random, because I don’t use any fake tan at all. I used to a long time ago, but not any more.'
David explains: 'The kids are always outside with the dogs, so we just sit out there and watch them. You do get a bit of a tan.'
To read the full interview buy the new issue of InStyle magazine, on sale today.